共有“3”条内容,当前第“1”页邓紫棋柬埔寨与谢霆锋录制节目 男友Mark一路相陪
Mark2022-11-24 19:12:06恩爱藏不住!Mark晒飞机电视看到女友邓紫棋 十分傲娇
邓紫棋2022-11-24 18:57:49
介绍:Mark has enjoyed a varied career, both in radio and TV, and as a writer for various travel and music magazines. He loves travel, adventure and history, and plans to spend as much time as possible when not on the airwaves of China Radio International exploring the culture and history of his adopted country in more depth. Originally from London, Mark feels very much at home in Beijing, and especially enjoys trying new foods and activities not seen elsewhere. However, he has yet to pluck up the courage to join in with certain activities, like the public dancing popular in many Chinese cities – something he says would be completely unthinkable in London.Mark enjoys Chinese films (with English subtitles until the Chinese lessons kick in) and Chinese classic literature. He is currently halfway through the English translation of the Buddhist allegory ‘Journey To The West’ by the 16th century Ming Dynasty writer and poet Wu Cheng'en.One of the few things Mark has missed since arriving in Beijing is his motorbike and trips down the river by canoe in the early morning mist – but he says he plans to take the motorcycle test is Beijing as soon as he can read and speak enough Chinese to be in with a chance of passing it, and is hoping to find somewhere outside the city where he can rent a boat for a few hours of relaxation one weekend.